The preconstruction schedule serves as the road map for design, development and decisions pertaining to project scope, budget and procurement. Thus, the Vokeh Limited approach offers a controlled, effective use of preconstruction resources consistent with the progress required to acquire government approvals needed to complete the project on time and under budget.le serves as the road map for design, development and decisions pertaining to project scope, budget and procurement. Thus, the Vokeh Limited approach offers a controlled, effective use of preconstruction resources consistent with the progress required to acquire government approvals needed to complete the project on time and under budget.
Our lates Services
We plan, design and coordinate various elements within a space, including color schemes, furniture,…
Our experienced team excels in renovation and remodeling projects, breathing new life into existing…
We have collaborative agreements where we partner with individuals or companies to undertake a spec…
We contract with clients to provide both design and construction services. We provide services as a…
Together civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines collaborate to ensure…
The preconstruction schedule serves as the road map for design, development and decisions pertainin…
Vokeh Limited provides in-depth management and supervision of all of its projects, with hands-on in…
Our concept is to build a sustainable future with visually appealing, flexible, comfortable, secure…
We obtain the necessary funds to finance a construction project from inception to completion. We se…
We have arrangements with our clients to provide skilled or unskilled labor for a project. We charg…